Cataract Surgery in Las Vegas
Cataract surgery is the primary treatment for addressing the cloudiness in your lens known as a cataract. At NV Eye Surgery in Las Vegas and Henderson, we strongly believe in educating our patients about all the options and risks associated with any treatment. The resources on this page should address most questions and concerns around cataract surgery.
If you have any questions, or are interested in scheduling an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us by filling out the form below or calling (702) 745-7172.
What is a Cataract?
Your eye is amazing! The eye is designed to take in the images from the world around you, focus the light and provide a clear picture that is sent by electrical signals to the brain. The eye has a lens just like a camera that helps to focus the light and make a clear picture inside the eye. At birth, your natural lens is perfectly clear, just like glass.
As you age, the lens proteins start to break down and the lens becomes cloudy. This cloudy lens is known as a cataract. Many people have the misconception that a cataract is a film or cloudiness that develops in front of the eye. This is incorrect. A cataract is simply a cloudy lens. Cataract surgery is, therefore, a lens replacement surgery.
What are the Symptoms of Cataracts?
As cataracts develop, several visual symptoms may occur. Many of these symptoms are not noticed with early cataracts because they are mild and the visual changes occur gradually. Common cataract symptoms include:
- Blurry vision at distance and up close
- Halos or starbursts around lights mainly noticed at night
- Glare from oncoming headlights or bright sunlight is extremely bothersome
- Low light situations make seeing more difficult, such as a dim restaurant
- Small print is difficult to read
- Frequent changes are required in your glasses prescription
Cataract Symptom Checker

When to Remove a Cataract?
Simple Steps to Better Vision
Many patients ask “When is the right time to remove a cataract?” The answer is very simple. The time for you to consider cataract surgery is when you feel dissatisfied with your vision. Here are some common scenarios that may lead you to consider cataract surgery:
- I feel unsafe driving because I cannot see the street signs until I am very close to them.
- I have stopped driving at night because I can’t see well when other cars are coming towards me.
- I love reading but have been reading less because it has become difficult to see the small print.
- Everything just seems hazy and foggy. It looks like my glasses are smudged, but taking them off and cleaning them constantly does nothing.
- I am having a difficult time seeing the scores on the TV when I watch a basketball or football game.
A common misconception is that cataract surgery should not be done until the cataract is “ripe”. In reality, a cataract should be removed when it is causing visual symptoms. People are unique and there is a wide range of visual needs. Some people with visually demanding professions such as engineers and architects may notice even minor changes to their vision and be unhappy. Dr. DeBry will be able to help you determine when to remove a cataract.
What is the Treatment for a Cataract?
There is no cataract treatment such as drops or medications that can fully reverse the cloudiness in the lens that develops with age. Therefore, once the lens starts to turn cloudy and symptoms develop, the primary cataract treatment is surgery.
- With cataract surgery a very small incision (only 3 mm or 1/8 of an inch) is made in the side of the cornea (the front window of the eye). A small ultrasound instrument is placed in the eye.
- The instrument then breaks up the cataract into very small fragments using ultrasound energy and vacuums it out of the eye. A new, clear artificial lens is then placed inside the eye to restore sharp clear vision.
Many patients feel like they have turned back the clock a decade with their new cataract treatment.
Cataract Surgery FAQs
What Happens Before Cataract Surgery?
What Should I Expect on the Day of Cataract Surgery?
What Happens After the Surgery?
Costs of Cataract Surgery
There are some common questions asked about the cost of cataract surgery. They include:
- Is cataract surgery covered by Medicare?
- How much is cataract surgery without insurance?
- How much does cataract surgery cost?
- How much is laser cataract surgery?
Let’s talk about each of these categories to help you understand the costs associated with cataract surgery:
Self Pay Cataract Surgery & Other Eye Procedures
Self-pay cataract surgery in our office is affordable! We want every patient to have the opportunity to see better and work to help every patient get the surgery they need. Self-pay cataract surgery is an affordable solution for patients without insurance. Due to our low cost options for eye surgery, patients often travel to Las Vegas from other states for their procedure. We have had patients from Alaska, Texas, California, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico come for their procedure in our office.
Prices include Surgery and 90 days of post-op care – this is the total package cost. There are no hidden costs or surprises.
We work hard to control our costs and run efficiently. We are committed to providing the best quality care at the lowest prices.
Forms of Payment
Self-pay includes all forms of payment: cash, check, credit card, money order, etc. We also offer Care Credit as a financing option.
Our surgeons are among the most experienced cataract surgeons in Las Vegas.
- We are the only practice offering an in-office surgery option for patients who qualify for self-pay cataract surgery in the Las Vegas valley.
- Laser-assisted cataract surgery provides the most precise surgery available.